Upcoming Features: Multi-Vendor Marketplace:
We are rolling out an online marketplace bringing together many vendors, similar to Amazon or Shopify. The service will be free for all eligible businesses. It will be integrated within the social account, enhancing streaming of products and related customer reviews. No coding language required.
Upcoming Features: Learning Mgt. System:
Do you have a course that you can sell online? We are rolling a robust and feature-packed Learning Management System for creation and selling of courses online. The system will provide seamless integration with our Mt. Kenya Connect Hub. The service will be free to eligible course providers, and you can monetize it as you wish.
Events Integration:
Another feature to be activated shortly is a powerful Events/Calendar solution to manage your events. It will have a full profile integration and custom tailored RSVP system, all tied within Mt. Kenya Social Hub stream and notifications.
Kickstarting this module will be the "Mt. Kenya Prayer Walk" event, in collaboration with Prof. Samuel Kamitha. Details to follow shortly.
Mt. Kenya Connect!
Mt. Kenya is truly God's Mountain: a holy shrine and a fountain of peace (Mt. Zion - Thaayuini). is dedicated wholesomely to God's glory. Our digital space will work directly with Gikuyu & Mumbi Cultural Museum by being a pillar for communication for Mr Samuel Kamitha in his service to Ngai, and for the welfare of our society; bringing God's people together in a digital social space.
Job Hunting & Posting Portal:
Our users will be able to create job listings with a multitude of customizations. This will be an opportunity to to easily hire and be hired through the means of your own social connect hub, without resorting to third party sites. Needless to say, it will be heavily moderated & monitored to keep off cons and scams.
Hotel Bookings & Reservation Features:
We will also release a module for registered hotels to offer hotel room reservations, similar to This will be a complete hotel booking reservation system packed with impressive features to help you streamline the process of accepting clients. This feature, coupled with accelerated advertising, is meant to bolster tourism towards Mt. Kenya region.